Learning To Sell The Individual Prospect vs Selling The Company, Ft. Dan Englander

by | Oct 4, 2022

In our very first episode of 2021, we speak with Dan Englander, Founder, and CEO of Sales Schema. Dan has a strong background in outbound sales and his expertise is in helping digital marketing agencies solidify an outbound sales process so they can build a sales and prospecting machine to gain new clients

In this episode you will learn a few key things: 

  • The importance of selling an individual prospect versus their company
  • Why you should understand your work tendencies and how that will impact your sales approach
  • How to build a sales process that works as an outbound machine.

If you’d like to learn more about Dan Englander, connect with him on LinkedIn here. You can also download a B2B sales blueprint created by the Sales Scheme team here.

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